
Paper Submission Instructions:

While preparing your manuscript, we recommend to copy paste your content directly into this AIP template. (The template is to be attached in the website)

Short papers - 9 to 11 Pages and Long Papers 12-15 Pages

Review Process:

  1. -At first, the manuscripts received would be evaluated from the purview of the scope of this conference.
  2. -Screened submissions undergo an initial quality check through Turnitin Software for potential similarity with published literature.
  3. -Subsequently, the manuscripts with a similarity index of less than 5 percent would be sent for single-blind review by three independent referees.
  4. -A consensus of three reviewers would be mandatory for the acceptance of manuscripts.
  5. -One reviewer would not review more than three manuscripts.

Publication and Indexing:

The articles submitted to the International Conference on Generative AI Applications in Science and Technology will be subjected to double-blind peer review by the panel of experts. All accepted and registered papers will be included in the conference proceedings that will be published by AIP. (Waiting for approval)

Best Paper Award:

One paper from each of the listed tracks will be selected as Best Paper. The Best Papers will be announced at culmination of the conference.

Registration Guidelines:

  • -For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must register for the conference.
  • -One registration in the Student category allows one paper presentation/publication.
  • -One registration in the Faculty category allows two paper presentations/publications (provided that both papers have been accepted upon peer review).
  • -Registration in the Author's Registration Category is mandatory for the presentation of the paper in the conference.
  • -Inclusion of the paper in the conference proceedings.
  • -If one of the authors of the paper has registered in the author's registration category, then all other authors of the paper may register under the co-authors' registration category if they wish to attend the conference.

Registration Coming Soon

We're working on this. Stay tuned!


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